Gouri 水靈針
深度啟動膠原蛋白 煥活肌膚自然之美

水靈針 Gouri 全球首創液態埋線
Gouri: The World's First Liquid Threading Treatment
水靈針Gouri 是全球首支液態 PCL膠原埋線針,採用液體材質,與傳統透明質酸及微粒型高聚合物粉末不同,能夠在不使用微粒形態聚合物的情況下促進皮膚持續自然地合成膠原蛋白,從而增加皮膚彈性,使皮膚變得自然豐盈、緊緻提升,其效果可長效維持6-12個月,讓皮膚重拾年輕光感肌。
Gouri is the world's first liquid PCL collagen threading needle. Unlike traditional hyaluronic acid and particulate polymer powders, it utilizes a liquid material that promotes the continuous and natural synthesis of collagen in the skin without the need for particulate polymers. This enhances skin elasticity, resulting in a naturally plump and firm appearance. The effects can be maintained for 6 to 12 months, allowing the skin to regain a youthful, radiant glow.
聚己內酯 Polycaprolactone (PCL) 是一種可生物降解的高分子物料。與透明質酸或胜肽相比, 它具有十分強的耐久性。PCL 可刺激膠原蛋白合成,從而改善皮膚的厚度、密度及彈性。另外經過長時間測試及研究已証明PCL:
Polycaprolactone (PCL) is a biodegradable polymer material. Compared to hyaluronic acid or peptides, it exhibits remarkable durability. PCL stimulates collagen synthesis, thereby improving the thickness, density, and elasticity of the skin. Additionally, extensive testing and research have demonstrated that PCL:
安全及無毒性Safe and non-toxic

Have you started to age?

Wrinkles appear

Loss of skin elasticity

Sunken contours

Dull Skin

Skin laxity
Gouri獨特的 CESABP 技術
Collagenesis-Enabled Solubilized Active and BiodegradableN Polymer Technology
獨特的 CESABP 技術 可以在不使用微粒形態聚合物的情況下,把完全水狀的 PCL自然地延展至全臉,形成 3D Matrix 緩慢分解並幫助不斷刺激天然皮膚膠原蛋白再生,從而起到抗衰老的作用。
The unique CESABP technology allows for the natural extension of fully aqueous PCL across the entire face without the use of particulate polymers. This forms a 3D matrix that gradually decomposes, helping to continuously stimulate the regeneration of natural skin collagen, thereby providing an anti-aging effect.

GOURI injection

Injection extended
to the entire face

Stimulate fibroblasts

Facial lifting | Skin regains elasticity
What are the differences between Gouri and other fillers?

高聚填充劑 vs 水靈針
現時的高聚物填充劑因含有顆粒,因此不能自然延展到整個皮膚中,所以只能於局部位置內提供豐盈效果。此外,由於高聚物填充劑含有顆粒,因而於治療後較易產生嚴重不良效果,如:肉芽腫形成、血管閉塞,更甚會令組織壞死。而且在治療時亦有機會令注射過程變得困難,因為顆粒有機會令針咀堵塞。GOURI 水靈針,是全球第一款使用液態而不含任何顆粒的PCL膠原蛋白增生劑。由於GOURI水靈針是液態針劑,因此只需要1個人針口及2-8條線性,就可以伸延至全面,為全面提升及增加全面彈性。由於沒有顆粒,GOURI水靈針並不存在治療後產生的嚴重不良效果,療程相對更安全。
Current polymer fillers contain particles, which prevent them from naturally extending throughout the skin, resulting in localized volumizing effects. Additionally, the presence of particles in these fillers can lead to serious side effects after treatment, such as granuloma formation, vascular occlusion, and even tissue necrosis. The injection process may also become difficult due to the potential blockage of the needle tip by these particles.
GOURI water injection is the world’s first liquid PCL collagen biostimulator that contains no particles. Because GOURI is a liquid formulation, it requires only one injection point and 2-8 linear injections to extend across the entire face, providing full lifting and enhancing overall elasticity. Since it contains no particles, GOURI water injection does not have the severe side effects associated with other treatments, making the procedure relatively safer.

Cover the entire face
Gradually induce the production of type I collagen in the skin, resulting in soft and natural-looking self-generated collagen. After completing the treatment, collagen production can progressively increase, with effects lasting up to 2 years

The treatment is safe
Compared to the microparticle forms of other filler products, GOURI's fully liquid PCL formulation has a lower incidence of side effects such as vascular occlusion, granuloma formation, and cell necrosis, making it relatively safer.

The treatment is quick and simple
Immediate massage and shaping can be done after the injection, so clients typically do not need manual massage at home after the treatment, making it more convenient compared to first-generation products.
Natural and long-lasting
水靈針 GOURI 幫助面部肌膚找回因衰老變換的膠原蛋白再生速度及能力,充分啟動更青春、自然的面部肌膚狀態。注射三次可持續6-12個月。
The GOURI Water Needle helps restore the speed and ability of collagen regeneration in the face, which decreases due to aging, fully activating a more youthful and natural facial skin condition. After three injections, results can last for 6 to 12 months.
Begins to rejuvenate deep collagen within 1 week

One week after injection, changes in the skin tissue begin to occur, becoming denser and increasing collagen levels in the dermis. By week six, a noticeable increase in dermal thickness is observed due to the generation of new collagen.
Wrinkle improvement of up to 48% in just 4 weeks

注射4週後,CFGS (Crow’ s Feet Grade Scale 魚紋尾指數)在靜止狀態(A)及動態(B)的評估可看到,GOURI可改善皺紋高達48%。
Four weeks after injection, evaluations using the Crow’s Feet Grade Scale (CFGS) in both static (A) and dynamic (B) states show that GOURI can improve wrinkles by up to 48%.
Improves skin elasticity in just 4 weeks

Four weeks after injection, the R2 value (Ua/UF, a key parameter reflecting overall skin elasticity) significantly increases, demonstrating that GOURI can induce deep skin regeneration, enhance skin elasticity, and increase collagen in the dermis, achieving dermal rejuvenation.

Authenticity and Quality Are Our Commitment
In-store, you can find certificates of authenticity readily displayed, and you can verify our products on the official website for guaranteed quality. Upholding the principle of authenticity has always been our commitment. With transparent channels for verification, we ensure that every beauty enthusiast can feel confident and secure in their choices.
1 / GOURI 水靈針的主要優勢是什麼?
GOURI水靈針是第一款液體型 PCL(聚己內酯)注射劑。GOURI水靈針通過促進整個臉部的膠原蛋白 生成來使我們的皮膚恢復活力。 GOURI水靈針自然地延展至整個臉部,產生因皮膚老化而減少的膠原 蛋白合成。
2 / 療程後多久可以看到效果?
這取決於患者的狀況。注射後誘導新膠原生成需要一些時間,通常可以在 1-2 週內開始看到效果。
3 / GOURI水靈針能維持多長時間?
這取決於個人情況。 PCL是一種高分子材料,在體內降解通常需要 6-12 個月。
4 / GOURI水靈針與其他高分子產品有什麼區別?
它與其他高分子產品完全不同,現有產品並非完全流動,它們由高分子材料粉末(如PCL和PLLA)與生理鹽 水或CMC凝膠混合而成。因此,它們不能有效地延展到整個臉部,並有很高的併發症風險。此外,在注入過 多材料的情況下存在過度矯正的風險。GOURI水靈針作為第一種完全液體型 PCL 注射劑,可延展到整個臉部。
5 / 我可以將 GOURI水靈針與其他產品混合或結合使用嗎?
我們建議在接受其他治療之前和之後間隔 1 個月。GOURI水靈針的強大功能之一是它與其他產品的兼容性。 你可以一起使用非鏈結皮膚促進劑或保妥適。然而,不要將任何其他產品與 GOURI水靈針混合使用。對於 透明質酸填充劑和其他鏈結材料,我們建議治療前後間隔 1 個月。


Our Doctors are Certified ELLANSE Injection Trainers

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