Belotero® Revive 水光針
Belotero®Revive 水光針
BELOTERO® Revive 由德國藥廠 Merz 研發,獨有保濕鎖水配方,特別加入甘油,是目前市面上唯一特別將甘油與鏈結透明質酸結合的保濕填充產品,強化保濕鎖水功能。同時防止形成皺紋,提升膚質、改善泛紅、肌膚回復彈性緊緻及光澤。
BELOTERO® Revive, developed by the German pharmaceutical company Merz, features a unique moisturizing and water-locking formula. It is specially formulated with the addition of glycerin, making it the only moisturizing filler product on the market that uniquely combines glycerin with cross-linked hyaluronic acid. This enhances its moisturizing and water-locking abilities.
Additionally, it helps prevent the formation of wrinkles, improves skin quality, reduces redness, and restores the skin's elasticity, firmness, and radiance.
Belotero ® 獨有
Belotero®'s unique CPM patented technology enables excellent skin integration
BELOTERO® 透明質酸系列採用獨有CPM技術﹐令凝聚度、彈性及可塑性達至理想的均衡比例﹐能無瑕地與肌膚融合﹐達至預期的自然效果。
The BELOTERO® Hyaluronic Acid Series utilizes the company's unique CPM (Cohesive Polydensified Matrix) technology. This allows for an optimal balance of cohesiveness, elasticity, and malleability. As a result, the product can seamlessly integrate with the skin, delivering the expected natural-looking results.
What are the unique water-locking ingredients?
Combining hyaluronic acid and glycerin