Hyaluronic Acid Nourishing Brightening Water Glow Injection
Suitable for
Dry, Dull Skin Type
Sensitive Skin with Redness
Oily Skin with Enlarged Pores and Acne
Skin with Fine Lines and Thick Stratum Corneum
Skin with Dark Spots and Yellowish Tone
Collagen Depletion Type

The principles of Hyaluronic Acid Nourishing Brightening Water Glow
Injecting a lightweight filler containing moisturizing ingredients improves the skin's hydration levels, making the skin brighter, smoother, and more elastic. Using very fine needles, the injection is administered into the superficial layers of the skin. The effects are usually visible immediately and tend to last well, typically maintaining for several months or even up to a year.

Profhilo 透明質酸逆時針

Profhilo® 逆時針研發自瑞士專利NAHYCO® 技術,為全球最高濃度超純淨透明質酸之一。至今已成功進行超過40萬次治療,於全球超過56個國家使用。有效增生四大年輕元素:透明質酸、膠原蛋白、彈性蛋白及脂肪,並活化肌底細胞。
Profhilo® is developed using the patented NAHYCO® technology from Switzerland, making it one of the highest concentration ultra-pure hyaluronic acids in the world. To date, it has successfully undergone over 400,000 treatments and is used in more than 56 countries globally. It effectively stimulates the four key elements of youth: hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, and fat, while also activating skin cells at the foundation level.
日本萊乃康JBP Laennec

Lai Nai Kang is a medical product extracted from human placenta. The placenta plays a crucial role in building the human body and contains almost all the nutrients necessary for sustaining life. In addition to the three macronutrients—proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates—it is also rich in various vitamins, minerals, enzymes, nucleic acids, and other physiologically active components. It can moisturize the skin, improve skin texture, regulate skin cycles, and maintain healthy skin quality. It is suitable for sensitive skin.

It effectively protects the skin from free radical damage, delaying the aging process. From the century-old Spanish medical aesthetics brand InnoDerm, it is precisely formulated with five core antioxidant ingredients: high-activity vitamin C, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, alpha-lipoic acid, and hyaluronic acid. High-activity vitamin C has exceptional antioxidant properties and effectively inhibits melanin production, brightening dull skin and reducing pigmentation while promoting collagen synthesis and enhancing skin elasticity.
Restylane Vital Light 瑞藍透明質酸保濕針

Restylane Vital Light 瑞藍水光針主要成份為極細份子的長效透明質酸,在肌膚內形成鎖水與蓄水的雙重效果, 回復皮膚的水合平衡(hydrobalance),透明質酸鎖住皮膚水份增加了皮下組織的容量,將大量水份長期鎖住在真皮層、並拉緊周邊組織,刺激纖維母細胞增生骨膠原,令肌膚回復彈性緊緻,而且更幼嫩細緻及有光澤,達到面部皮膚提升的效果。
Restylane Vital Light primarily consists of ultra-fine, long-lasting hyaluronic acid, which creates a dual effect of water retention and hydration within the skin, restoring the skin's hydrobalance. Hyaluronic acid locks in moisture, increasing the volume of subcutaneous tissue and retaining a significant amount of water in the dermis. It tightens surrounding tissues and stimulates fibroblast proliferation of collagen, resulting in improved skin elasticity and firmness, while also making the skin appear more delicate, refined, and radiant, achieving a lifting effect on the facial skin.
Neauvia 透明質酸冰冰針

Neauvia 冰冰針由瑞士研發、意大利製造,是一種同時具有鎖水保濕及刺激膠原蛋白自生的透明質酸J,蘊含4大保濕因子,能深入肌底解決肌膚老化問題。協助肌膚從內至外回復白滑細膩、健康水潤。經KFDA與歐盟CE認證可使用於醫學美容,比保濕面膜更高效快捷,深受全球70多個國家認可選用,安全性及穩定性皆經過實證。
Neauvia Ice is developed in Switzerland and manufactured in Italy. It is a hyaluronic acid injectable that simultaneously provides moisture retention and stimulates collagen regeneration. It contains four major moisturizing factors that can penetrate deeply into the skin to address aging issues. This treatment helps restore smooth, delicate, and healthy hydration from the inside out. Certified by KFDA and CE in Europe for use in medical aesthetics, it is more efficient and quicker than traditional moisturizing masks and is recognized and chosen in over 70 countries worldwide, with proven safety and stability.
Prostrolane Blanc B 鑽白胜肽美白針

Prostrolane Blanc B 鑽白胜肽美白針,一次過為你解決膚色問題,以革命性針對黑色素的專利「彷生胜肽」技術,透過透明質酸為媒介,讓胜肽嫩膚養份深入真皮層,從而改善因光導致的老化及皺紋問題,同時為肌膚補充營養,達至均勻膚色,去黃暗啞,回復光澤及亮白效果。
Prostrolane Blanc B is a whitening injection that addresses skin tone issues in a single treatment. Utilizing a revolutionary patented "bio-similar peptide" technology targeting melanin, it employs hyaluronic acid as a medium to deliver skin-nourishing peptides deep into the dermis. This approach improves aging and wrinkle issues caused by sun exposure while replenishing the skin with nutrients, achieving an even skin tone, reducing yellowness and dullness, and restoring brightness and luminosity.
Rejuran 麗珠蘭

Rejuran 麗珠蘭由單一成分構成,使用一種PN (Polynucleotide) 的物質來再生皮膚組織,提取自野生鮭魚 DNA 的多核苷酸 PN (Polynucleotide) 成分,使我們的皮膚變厚,增加彈性,同時減少皺紋並使皮膚恢復年輕狀態,研究證實成分與人體皮膚相容,不容易造成任何副作用,可刺激皮膚自身的修復能力及增加皮膚彈性。
Rejuran is composed of a single ingredient, utilizing a substance called PN (Polynucleotide) to regenerate skin tissue. The polynucleotide PN is extracted from the DNA of wild salmon, which helps thicken the skin, increase elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and restore a youthful appearance. Studies have confirmed that this ingredient is compatible with human skin and is unlikely to cause any side effects. It stimulates the skin's natural repair capabilities and enhances skin elasticity.
Mesohyal vitamin C 美白水光

西班牙 Mesohyal 維他命C具有高效抗氧美白效能,
Spanish Mesohyal Vitamin C offers highly effective antioxidant and whitening benefits. It can block the damage caused by ultraviolet rays to the skin and combat photo-aging issues. Additionally, it breaks down tyrosinase, reducing melanin accumulation and brightening the skin.
It also stimulates the release of protein peptides, promoting collagen production and smoothing out wrinkles. Its effects include mitigating oxidative damage from UV exposure, preventing melanin buildup, stimulating collagen synthesis, and replenishing moisture in the deeper layers of the skin.
Placentex 意大利三文魚針

Placentex 意大利三文魚針,透過三文魚 PDRN 再生細胞護理促進新皮膚生長,三文魚的DNA ( 脫氧核糖核酸 ) 提取物含有對皮膚美容治療起作用的PDRN成分,擁有激活人體細胞的再生和自愈能力。透過修復原先受損的肌膚屏障,細胞將不斷新生,表皮變得可以抵禦外界刺激和傷害,更可使肌膚變得健康穩定。
Placentex, the Italian salmon injection, promotes new skin growth through salmon PDRN (Polydeoxyribonucleotide) regenerative cell therapy. The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) extract from salmon contains PDRN, which plays a crucial role in skin rejuvenation treatments by activating the regeneration and self-healing abilities of human cells. By repairing the initially damaged skin barrier, the cells continuously renew, allowing the epidermis to better withstand external stimuli and harm, ultimately resulting in healthier and more stable skin.

Juvelook素顏針採用了聚雙旋乳酸(PDLLA)和非鏈結透明質酸(HA)的3L微分子膠原技術,PDLLA是從玉米和馬鈴薯萃取而成的聚合物(PLA已獲得美國FDA和歐洲監管機構的批准,屬於可溶解的醫療材料,例如手術縫合線和骨科植入物。而PDLLA是PLA中最安全和最俱生物相容性的同分異構體),PDLLA具高組織相容及生物降解性,可被人體自行吸收,其獨特結構有助刺激膠原蛋白和彈性纖維增生,實現自然豐盈的填充效果;加上配方輕型(42.5mg聚D、L乳酸 + 7.5 mg透明質酸)、質地偏軟,不易形成腫塊,療程後無需按摩,恢復期極短!
Juvelook is a no-makeup injection that utilizes 3L micro-molecular collagen technology with poly-DL-lactic acid (PDLLA) and non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid (HA). PDLLA is a polymer extracted from corn and potatoes (PLA has been approved by the U.S. FDA and European regulatory agencies and is classified as a dissolvable medical material, such as surgical sutures and orthopedic implants. PDLLA is the safest and most biocompatible isomer of PLA). PDLLA has high tissue compatibility and biodegradability, allowing it to be absorbed by the body. Its unique structure helps stimulate the proliferation of collagen and elastin fibers, achieving a naturally plump filling effect. Additionally, the lightweight formulation (42.5 mg poly-DL-lactic acid + 7.5 mg hyaluronic acid) has a soft texture that minimizes the risk of lumps, requires no massage after treatment, and has a very short recovery period!
法國喬雅登Juvederm Volite

JUVÉDERM® 喬雅登 長效透明質酸長效保濕針主要改善皮膚水分,可填補臉部皮膚表層的凹陷,有效撫平細紋,並可增加真皮含水量,滿意度持續9個月。
JUVÉDERM® is a long-lasting hyaluronic acid injectable that primarily improves skin moisture levels. It can fill in superficial depressions on the facial skin, effectively smooth out fine lines, and increase the water content in the dermis, with satisfaction lasting for up to 9 months.
韓國外泌體PrimaCure Exosomes

E-50 Exosomes 系列的主要成份均莘取自韓國三文魚,而人類與三文魚之間的基因相似度高達95%,因此相容性極高。此外,E-50 Exosomes 含有50億細胞顆粒,其平均大小為175nm,能有效保證外泌體的純度及質素。
The main ingredients of the E-50 Exosomes series are derived from Korean salmon, and the genetic similarity between humans and salmon is as high as 95%, resulting in excellent compatibility. Additionally, E-50 Exosomes contain 5 billion cellular particles, with an average size of 175 nm, effectively ensuring the purity and quality of the exosomes.
Restylane Vital 瑞藍透明質酸保濕針

Restylane Vital 瑞藍水光針在肌膚內形成鎖水與蓄水的雙重效果, 回復皮膚的水合平衡。 透明質酸分子注射於皮膚真皮層的中下層, 改善皮膚結構與彈性, 回復飽滿狀態。 整個療程可達到補水、緊緻、拉提等多重效果。
產品由獨有非動物穩定性透明質酸NASHA® 技術研發而成, 不含任何動物物質, 病毒或任何其他過敏原, 成分與人體內自然產生的透明質酸有99%相似度, 可避免人體的過敏反應。 而透明質酸分解後, 產生的二氧化碳與水份子可被身體吸收,不會殘留有害物質。
Restylane Vital creates a dual effect of water retention and hydration within the skin, restoring the skin's hydrobalance. Hyaluronic acid molecules are injected into the mid to lower layers of the dermis, improving skin structure and elasticity, and restoring a plump appearance. The entire treatment can achieve multiple effects, including hydration, tightening, and lifting.
The product is developed using the unique non-animal-stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA®) technology, containing no animal substances, viruses, or other allergens. Its components are 99% similar to the hyaluronic acid naturally produced in the human body, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions. After the hyaluronic acid is broken down, the resulting carbon dioxide and water molecules can be absorbed by the body, leaving no harmful residues.
Teosyal REDENSITY 1 肌膚營養飲

TEOSYAL REDENSITY 1 肌膚營養飲專為乾燥暗啞、欠缺彈性肌膚而設的水光保濕針,採用可100%自然分解吸收透明質酸,深入真皮層360°注入所需營養並鎖緊水份,令肌膚即時變得水潤緊緻有彈性,同時提供抗氧化保護,強化肌膚、美白、嫩膚、淡化細紋、回復水潤光澤、以及預防炎症出現。
TEOSYAL REDENSITY 1 is a skin nutrition injectable specifically designed for dry, dull, and lackluster skin. It uses 100% naturally biodegradable and absorbable hyaluronic acid to inject essential nutrients into the dermis at a full 360° angle, locking in moisture and instantly making the skin more hydrated, firm, and elastic. It also provides antioxidant protection, enhancing skin quality, brightening, smoothing, reducing fine lines, restoring a hydrated glow, and preventing the onset of inflammation.
Belotero Revive 彩虹透明質酸保濕針

Belotero® Revive特別結合鏈結透明質酸和甘油,甘油和透明質酸都是「抓水」成份,而甘油更是一種無色無味的天然植物性保濕劑,不易致敏,可以高效鎖住水份及預防乾紋出現。而Belotero® Revive就是市面上唯一蘊含天然甘油嘅透明質酸填充產品,能夠高度補濕,有助皮膚水油平衡,減淡幼紋及乾紋,同時全面改善肌膚質素。
Belotero® Revive uniquely combines cross-linked hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Both glycerin and hyaluronic acid are "water-attracting" ingredients, and glycerin is a colorless, odorless natural plant-based moisturizer that is unlikely to cause allergies. It effectively locks in moisture and prevents the appearance of dryness and fine lines. Belotero® Revive is the only hyaluronic acid filler on the market that contains natural glycerin, providing high levels of hydration, helping to balance skin moisture and oil, reducing fine lines and dryness, while comprehensively improving skin quality.
Fillmed 菲洛嘉水光針

Filorga 菲洛嘉NCTF 135HA 由法國菲洛嘉實驗室(LABORATOIRES FILORGA)長期研發所得,證實為NCTF中擁有8大活膚功效。獲FDA、CE、CFDA認證,具喚醒肌膚及抗氧化之作用。採用從高山無污染的純植物胚胎萃取的最寶貴的53種活性成分,是玻尿酸產品中的皇牌,提供良好鎖水抗皺效果,深層滋潤肌膚,使老化肌膚恢復緊緻。
Filorga NCTF 135HA is developed by the French laboratory LABORATOIRES FILORGA and has been proven to have eight major skin-rejuvenating effects. It is certified by the FDA, CE, and CFDA, offering skin revitalization and antioxidant properties. It features the most precious 53 active ingredients extracted from pure plant embryos in pristine mountainous regions, making it a flagship product among hyaluronic acid offerings. It provides excellent moisture retention and anti-wrinkle effects, deeply nourishing the skin and helping aging skin to regain firmness.
Cytocare 法國絲麗 532, 640 & 715 水光針

CytoCare Youth Energizing Serum 715 is currently the market's highest hyaluronic acid content serum. It effectively stimulates the skin to produce its own collagen and elastin while providing longer-lasting results. This serum offers moisture retention and anti-wrinkle effects for dry, dehydrated, and sensitive skin, supplying essential nutrients, tightening pores, and comprehensively improving various signs of aging, such as pigmentation, crow's feet, and melanin accumulation.
日本傳明酸美白精華 Transamin

傳明酸(Tranexamic Acid)此成分於多年間廣泛應用於外科、內科及婦產科等醫療領域,
Tranexamic Acid has been widely used in various medical fields, including surgery, internal medicine, and gynecology, for many years. Once introduced into the body, it can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase, a key component in the production of melanin, helping to lighten and diminish pigmentation located in both the superficial and deeper layers of the skin, such as hormonal spots (also known as melasma or liver spots) and other stubborn discolorations.
Regular treatments with tranexamic acid can enhance the skin's antioxidant defenses, maintain a bright and even complexion, and prevent the formation of new pigmentation issues. It prevents the fusion of melanocytes with keratinocytes, which helps improve and prevent extensive pigmentation, leading to a reduction in the size and intensity of existing spots. Many celebrities use whitening injections for quick results after sun exposure, making it an effective and reliable option.
Must-Read Guide Before Water Glow Treatment